London Regional Genomics Centre
The London Regional Genomics Centre (LRGC) is a Robarts Research Institute initiative, led by Dr. Robert Hegele, established in 2002 through generous support from the Robarts Research Institute and The Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry.
The facility provides services on a cost-recovery basis and offers a wide selection of genomics services on various platforms. Next-Generation Sequencing of DNA and RNA is provided using the Illumina NextSeq and MiSeq instruments. Single cell sequencing and Spatial Transcriptomics are offered on the 10X Genomics platform and Nanostring nCounter. Sanger sequencing, genotyping and fragment analysis provided by the 3730 DNA Analyzer and qPCR and SNP genotyping on the ViiA 7 platform. Whole plasmid and long read sequencing are provided using the Oxford Nanopore MinIon system. Nucleic acid quantitation using the NanoDrop and Qubit and assessment of RNA/DNA quality via Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. Data analysis and software training services are also available.
Next Generation Sequencing
- Illumina MiSeq
- Illumina NextSeq
- Oxford Nanopore Minion
Single Cell and Spatial Transcriptomics
- 10x Genomics Chromium Controller
- Visium Spatial Transcriptomics
- DeNovix CellDrop automated cell counter
- Nanostring nCounter
Whole Plasmid Sequencing
- Oxford Nanopore Minion
Sanger Sequencing
- ABI 3730xl DNA Analyzer
Fragment Analysis
- ABI 3730xl DNA Analyzer
- Applied Biosystems Viia7
Data Analysis
- Partek Flow
- Pathway, Network and Enrichment analysis
- Cell Ranger and Space Ranger
Scientific Director: Dr. Robert Hegele
Facility Manager: David Carter,, 519-931-5246
Location: Robarts Research Institute, Room 4212 and 4294
Active Users: 430+ PIs worldwide
Fee Structure: For full fee structure, click here.