The J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine

2024 Taylor Prize laureate: Fred “Rusty” Gage
For his extraordinary work in aging neuroscience, Rusty Gage, PhD, has been chosen as the 2024 J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine laureate.
This year's Taylor Prize theme – The Science of Aging – is embodied by Gage's groundbreaking research, which has revolutionized our understanding of the human brain, particularly its capacity to generate new neurons throughout life.
Read more about the laureate

2023 | Dr. Nabil G. Seidah
Dr. Seidah is recognized worldwide as the scientist responsible for discovering and cloning seven of the nine known secretory serine proteases belonging to the proprotein convertases.

2022 | Dr. Xiaowei Zhuang
With her pioneering work in super-resolution imaging and genome-scale imaging techniques, Xiaowei Zhuang, PhD, is making great strides in the area of molecular imaging of the brain.

J. Allyn Taylor
J. Allyn Taylor

About the
Taylor Prize
The Taylor Prize is one of Canada’s most prestigious medical research prizes. The international prize, which includes a cash award of $50,000, is given annually by the Robarts Research Institute at Western University for achievements in basic or clinical research in a particular field.