Marlys Koschinsky, PhD, recognized by the MWLA
Marlys Koschinsky, PhD, Scientific & Executive Director at Robarts, has received the 2019 Midwest Lipid Association (MWLA) Chapter Service Award, recognizing her outstanding work and dedication to the Chapter.
The MWLA is a regional chapter of the National Lipid Association (NLA), a multidisciplinary medical society focused on enhancing the practice of lipid management in clinical medicine. It represents more than 3,500 members and provides continuing medical education for physicians and other health care professionals to advance professional development and attain certification in clinical lipidology.
Koschinsky will be presented with the Award at the NLA Scientific Sessions Honors & Awards Ceremony in May. She is also delivering a keynote presentation at the event focused on the use of lipoprotein(a) in the clinical setting.