Translational Breast Cancer Research Studentships
Five Robarts trainees are recipients of the 2018-2019 Translational Breast Cancer Research Studentships.
This Program is made possible by a major donation from the Breast Cancer Society of Canada (BCSC) to the Translational Breast Cancer Research Unit (TBCRU) within the London Regional Cancer Program, as well as donations from other groups interested in supporting translational breast cancer research.
The Program provides funding for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and clinical fellows engaged in translational research projects focused on the understanding, prevention, tracking and/or treatment of metastatic breast cancer.
Congratulations to the recipients:
Veronica Dubois, MSc Candidate, Medical Biophysics
Co-supervised by Paula Foster, PhD, and John Ronald, PhD
Natasha Knier, MSc Candidate, Medical Biophysics
Supervised by Paula Foster, PhD
Olivia Sehl, MSc Candidate, Medical Biophysics
Supervised by Paula Foster, PhD
Nivin Nystrom, PhD Candidate, Medial Biophysics
Co-supervised by John Ronald, PhD, and Timothy Scholl, PhD
Nathan Orlando, PhD-MClSc (CAMPEP) Candidate, Medical Biophysics
Supervised by Aaron Fenster, PhD