3D Slicer Project Week at Robarts
The Biomedical Imaging Research Centre (BIRC) hosted international experts and more than 40 participants for the second 3D Slicer Project Week at Robarts Research Institute.
3D Slicer is a free open source software platform, for medical image visualization and analysis that began development more than 20 years ago at Harvard Medical School and MIT. It has been under continuous evolution ever since, led by a growing user and developer base with support of NIH in the US and Ontario Research Fund and CANERIE (Canada’s National Research Computing Network) here in Canada.
The most recent version of this platform has been downloaded more than 300,000 times in the past six years, making it the universal tool for medical image analysis worldwide.
BIRC hosted the Project Week from July 16-20 to give experienced users an opportunity to interact with colleagues and experts, and through collaboration, to develop new tools for their research. This event also provided novices the opportunity to interact with experienced users to discover the power of this platform, and to build applications to foster their own research.
The event was supported by Western University’s BrainsCAN initiative, the Ontario Consortium for Image-guided Device Intervention for Cardiac Disease, IBM, Kitware Inc, The (US) National Alliance for Medical Imaging Computing, Harvard Medical School, and Canarie.
Experts from Harvard, Kitware, Queen’s University and Western attended the event, interacting with participants to develop new applications in support of medical imaging research in London.