$13.8 million supports research infrastructure
Five projects at Western University have been awarded a total of $13.8 million in funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), three of which were awarded to Robarts Research Institute scientists.
Announced today at Robarts by Ministers of Parliament Kate Young and Peter Fragiskatos, the CFI funds aim to support Canadian institutions by challenging them to propose transformative infrastructure projects that will underpin cutting-edge, globally competitive research.
Funded research projects ranged from the creation of a facility for minimally-invasive surgery and therapy to new horizons in human cognitive neuroscience research.
Guests at the announcement toured Dr. Geoffrey Pickering’s lab, whose funded project aims to provide a team of microvascular experts with advanced technologies necessary to study the vast network of mall arteries and capillaries that regulate delivery of oxygen and nutrients to organs in the body and its impact on cardiovascular disease.
Congratulations to each of the recipients at Robarts:
Melvyn Goodale, PhD, New Horizons in Human Cognitive Neuroscience Research
Terry Peters, PhD, Minimally-invasive Surgery and Therapy
Dr. Geoffrey Pickering, Facility for Microcirculatory Imaging and Tissue Analytics