

Molecular Pathology Forms and Documents

When submitting samples please use the Sample Submission form. Please provide as much information as possible as this will help to ensure that your sample are processedquickly and per your requirements. If you need additional room please feel free to attach an additional sheet or speak to someone in the core lab.

Downloadable Forms

Form Tips and Infromation

To add a diagram you can use the following file formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG or TIFF. There are a number of free (open source) drawing tools that you can use to add pictures / diagrams to the form. Inkscape and Paint.NET are two good choices.

Useful Software Applications


When bringing samples to the core facility, please ensure the following:
1. Allow your tissues to fix in 20 times the sample volume of formalin, for at least 24 hours.
2. All cassettes are marked with pencil. Do not use marker
3. Bring your samples to the core in 70% ethanol or PBS. Avoid formalin if possible