Sean McRae


MSc Candidate

My research focuses on the development of a reporter gene system that will allow us to track cells of interest using MRI. Our reporter gene, organic anion transporting poylpeptide 1 (OATP1), encodes for a protein that allows cells to take up and accumulate a gadolinium-based contrast agent that causes them to appear bright on T1-weighted MRI. My project aims to implement a new manganese-based contrast agent that has a higher spin-lattice relaxivity than that of gadolinium, which will hopefully allow for lower doses of agent to be used during imaging. We hope to fully characterize this new contrast agent and demonstrate its potential for cellular tracking in vivo. An effective, non-invasive MRI reporter gene system will allow us to track disease at many time points over the course of an individual's lifetime, giving new insight into the mechanism behind several diseases.