CT Scanner – Canon Aquillion ONE PRISM

CT room

CT or Computed Tomography is a medical imaging modality that uses x-ray technology and computer processing to create 3D and cross-sectional images. Non-invasive, it allows health providers to investigate symptoms and concerns and help find a diagnosis or track progression. ​

The Canon Aquillion Prism ONE utilizes cutting edge imaging technology to produce exceptional quality scans while minimizing radiation dose. ​

The scanner is approved for use with human subjects, some small animals, and is available for phantom or innanimate object scanning. Special scanning features such volumetric, dual energy, gated, dynamic volumetric, CT Fluoroscopy and others allow for a wide range of imaging abilities.

Features of the Canon Aquillion Prism ONE:

320 detector rows with 0.5mm slice thickness – sharp high resolution

Large bore – 78 cm Gantry

Weight limit is 315kg​/690lbs

SEMAR Metal artifact reduction ​

PIQE super resolution deep learning, AiCE AI assisted imaging, and Spectral Reconstruction – Machine learning and iterative reconstruction for image optimization and radiation reduction. ​

Dual Energy – enhances tissue characterization, better tissue differentiation. 

Stellant CT Injector interfaced with programmed protocols for seemless contrast injection and scan timing.