Cellular and molecular imaging are newly emerging fields in imaging research that bring together advances in cellular and molecular biology and state-of-the-art microimaging technologies. The major goal of this research is to develop the microimaging and cell labeling technologies to permit noninvasive investigations of disease processes at the cellular and molecular level.
Investigators within the program include scientists at Robarts and across London at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University, the Lawson Health Research Institute and the London Regional Cancer Program. Investigators at the RCMIP are developing and applying microimaging and cell labeling technologies to detect and monitor cellular and molecular events in living subjects. At Robarts our focus is on microMRI technology for cellular and molecular imaging. Within some of the other affiliated institutes, microPET, microSPECT and bioluminescence imaging are being studied.
Our goal is to combine advances in molecular/cell biology with those in biomedical imaging to advance the field of cellular and molecular imaging. A variety of disesase are being actively investigated in small animal models, with an emphasis on cancer, inflammation and transplantation.
Robarts Research Institute
Western University
1151 Richmond Street North
London, Ontario
Canada N6A 5B7
t. 519.663.5777 ext. 24040
e. pfoster@robarts.ca