Mission and Vision

At the core, the Robarts is Western’s biomedical research institute focused on the translation of new discoveries and technology to benefit clinical populations.  Robarts scientists are engaged in research activities along the continuum of basic discovery science to validation in animal models and clinical translation with thematic strength in neuroscience, cardiovascular disease, and imaging.  We believe in striving for scientific excellence and creating a research culture that provides an interface between basic and clinical scientists to solve our greatest health challenges. 

Robarts Vision 

Healthy lives through biomedical discovery.   

Robarts Mission 

Robarts Research Institute seeks to integrate biomedical discovery with innovative technology for the betterment of human health. 

Robarts Core Values

Excellence Robarts fosters a culture of outstanding achievement through mutual support and mentorship.
Inclusion and Diversity Robarts is committed to individual and organizational efforts to build respect, dignity, and equality.
Interdisciplinarity Robarts attracts leading scientists who excel in a collaborative, multidisciplinary environment that fosters the development and application of creative solutions to human disease.
Innovation Robarts strives to nurture creative ideas and transformative technology to solve unmet clinical needs.
Translation Robarts accelerates the process of transferring medical advances from discovery to clinical application through the integration of fundamental and clinical science.
Education Robarts scientists mentor future leaders by training top students who are committed to advancement of biomedical knowledge and the betterment of human health.