Our Team

Donald Welsh

Donald Welsh

VITAL Co-Director

Research Interests / Specializations: Ascertaining how Ca 2+ channels on the plasma membrane (L- and T-type) and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (ryanodine and IP3 -receptors) govern arterial constriction.
Teaching: Professor; Department of Physiology & Pharmacology
RRI 4245C
519-931-5777 x25330

External link
Geoffrey Pickering

Geoffrey Pickering

VITAL Co-Director

Research Interests / Specializations: Identification of pathways by which cells of the artery wall contribute to vascular disease
Teaching: Professor, Departments of Medicine, Biochemistry, and Medical Biophysics
Chris Ellis

Chris Ellis

VITAL Co-Director

Research Interests / Specializations: Microcirculation & Cellular Biophysics (Vascular Biology)
Teaching: Professor; Department of Medical Biophysics
MSB 404
519-661-2111 x85867

External link
Suzanne Brett Welsh

Suzanne Brett Welsh

VITAL Manager

RRI 7260
519-872-5631 x24395

Stephanie Milkovich

Stephanie Milkovich

Technical Manager

RRI 3277
519-661-2111 x85867